Thursday, October 28, 2010

because you're mine

date taken: august 29, 2010
photo by: me
subject: at the bachelorette

this is my favorite halloween song. it's moody, obsessive, and unlike the novelty halloween joints, it's dead serious, pun intended. to me, the nina simone cover of the screamin jay hawkins original is the seminal version of the song, mainly because nina simone simultaneously enchants and scares the crap out of me, which i think may be the point of the song. when she says "you're mine," i'm not about to argue with her. she sounds like she could do something crazy if i said no, like get me drunk, throw me over her shoulder, carry me down to her basement and lock me up for days till i acquiesce to her unreasonable demands, all of which make her so damn attractive.

anyone who denies it is lying. there is something about them crazy bitches.

Friday, October 22, 2010

and so it is...

i know i haven't posted anything in a while. the obvious excuse would be to say that i am "busy," but that wouldn't be entirely accurate. it would be more accurate to say that i am keeping busy. i feel like i'm transitioning into a new stage of my life where the risk and adventure of youth are slowly yielding to the grace of adulthood. and i MISS it: the craziness, the lost sleep, the adrenaline. but begrudgingly, i admit this grown up stuff kind of suits me. i have never really known how to be anything but a lady. an awkward, dorky lady, but a lady nonetheless.

i've been trying on a lot of new hats lately, trying to figure out what i care about and what i'm willing to part with. i like blogging. i think i'll keep my blog and its 10 followers (suckaz!).

i guess this is me sort of renewing my vows.