"precarious"date taken: february 7, 2009
photo by: me
subject: drunken jenga!
after listening to this song about 400 times or so the past two weeks, i think it's safe to say i like it enough to share. if you know me at all, one listen is all it will take for you to recognize that this is exactly my kind of jam.
the sample is instantly familiar. "hello it's me" by todd rundgren is an old favorite of mine, as it reminds me of soulmate number 4 (wutup henry!) who had some mild obsession with the old skool, possibly because he is old. smiley face. anyway, back to the song. "hello it's me" has been covered by everyone and their mama, at least in the R&B genre. the isleys. brian mcknight. john legend. all of which is particularly awesome because todd rundgren is literally a male lady gaga: white, scrawny, and constantly wearing strange costumes.
this song takes the original sample and spins it. instead of a man wistful for erstwhile love, and expressing uncertainty about the end of the relationship and the possibility of rekindling, this song is about a relationship long over, but continued between the hours of 1-5 a.m. on the weekends, if you catch my drift. there is some gentle expression of regret, bitterness, and feigned indifference, like it's totally functional and healthy to wake up to each other on sunday mornings and avoid eye contact everywhere else.
the thought has crossed my mind before, but the answer is always a clear no. if we're not together, i gotta keep my physical and emotional space free of clutter, you know, in case john cusack shows up.
tv girl - if you want it
todd rundgren - hello, it's me