date taken: july 31, 2010
photo by: me
subject: rosemary baguette
i make baguettes with regularity, on average 3 times a week. sometimes when i want to be fancy i'll do something special with them like put cubes of pepperjack in there, or in this case, some rosemary. fresh is best of course, but i used dried here. follow the recipe below and sprinkle rosemary over dough before rolling and the second rise.
i made this one for my tuesday night buffy-the-vampire-slayer-DVD club. i may just make it again this tuesday. it smelled so good...
ugh. i totally forgot i had to modify this recipe because i don't have a bread machine. believe me, you don't need one. mix 1.5 tsp. yeast (or one packet of yeast) with 1 tbs. of sugar and 1 cup of water. supposed to be lukewarm water, but on guam, everything is lukewarm :-D. Let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes (this is called "proofing" -- waking up the yeast). Then mix in 1 tsp. salt, and 2.5 cups of flour (mine always requires about .25 cups more). Then let it rise. This is the first rise, you cover it in either plastic wrap that is sprayed with cooking spray, or a cheesecloth, which in my experience is more traditional but not as sanitary. Then pick up at number 3 in the recipe. Kapeesh?
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