"from agana beach"
date taken: august 3, 2008
photo by: me
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral
i hope to die in my sleep, at the end of a good, but not necessarily long, life. i want people to remember me as a kind person and a kickass lawyer. and i want to be cremated and scattered over the pacific ocean, between guam and the philippines. and i want a little plaque somewhere, at the foot of a big beautiful tree, where my family can go for comfort.
awesome. now that that's out of the way, i better get my living on, 'cause i got a lot of stuff to do before my glorious cremation.
this song is one of my favorite songs ever, and my favorite song immediately before ceremony. the album, in the aeroplane over the sea, is one of my favorite albums ever, and the first album i bought on vinyl. needless to say, this is a very important album and a very important song to me.
this song is all about being young and beautiful and eating life like ice cream from the carton.
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