"i don't disagree"
date taken: february 26, 2008
photo by: me
subject: me and blondie making a pact
day 20 - a song you listen to when you're angry
whatever happened to crazy old fiona apple. she was fresh and so talented. i bet she still is. and man she wrote some angry shit. she didn't key no one's car, or fuck no one's best friend, or do other vindictive shit girls do when they're hurt. hers was a more academic fuck you. an intellectual fuck you. the kind immortalized in quality songs so generations from now people wonder what kind of asshole inspired this kind of bitterness. what a dick. that's what i think when i hear this song. i don't even know you and i hate you.
never is one of the strongest words i know. and i only say it when i mean it. and you'll barely hear me say it.
but you'll sure as hell feel it.
aww another great memory. i served as witness :)
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