date taken: may 30, 2009
photo by: me
subject: danica
day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio
my dream deejay plays independent music. i don't mean lo fi, garage recordings, though there is quite a bit of that out there that i enjoy too. a lot of indie is developed and well-produced, and deserves attention. there is something about maintaining control over your craft. it keeps you creative, lets you stay true to yourself and how you are growing as an artist instead of who your audience is and what market you can tap into. i used to think i should have been born earlier to catch the prime decades of musical creativity. but i feel so lucky to be alive right now, when the revolution that is the internet has restored some of the creative freedom of the 60s to artists, and gone a step further, to allow them to disseminate their art cheaply and easily. how else could a girl on guam access music from sydney?
i actually didn't know these guys were from sydney until just now. thank you universe for this moment. i've been listening to these guys for over a year. i figured they were from canada, you know, where all the bands i love are from.
anyway, i think this song is radio ready. totally accessible. simple. upbeat. i wish i could articulate how i feel when i listen to this song. it fills my lungs. makes me feel like being young and taking risks. thank god the spell is broken after four minutes, else i'd be on my way to oz right now.
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