date taken: july 31, 2009
photo by: me
subject: palau
day 17 - a song you hear often on the radio
so. you're probably wondering. what radio station plays bjork "often." well, it ain't I-94.
i discovered WBER -- "the only station that matters" when i was living in rochester, ny. it was a college radio station. alternative music, all day e'ery day. i was in love instantly. when i moved back to guam to clerk for a year, i was thrilled to learn i could still listen to WBER online at wber.monroe.edu. but because we're literally on opposite sides of the world, during my prime listening hours (workdays in the early afternoon), WBER was on autopilot, playing a pre-recorded set of random tunes. it took a few listens, but eventually this gem went from ambient noise to the center of my universe. and when i moved back (temporarily) to california, it became sort of my anthem, the soundtrack to my restless nights.
i kind of live on hype machine these days, but once in a while, i still tune in to WBER for more organized listening. and every so often, i still hear this song in its original context.
i go through all this...
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